Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Make an outright gift of cash, securities, or property - see bottom of page
Honour the memory of someone by making a contribution. Make a gesture that has ever-lasting value.
Make an initial contribution and a commitment to add to the initial donation over a period of years.
Make a contribution in your family name that will last forever.
Gifts can be made by providing a bequest in your will
Make a donation through the gift of life insurance
North Norfolk Foundations provides an effortless, powerful, and personal approach to giving. We offer a variety of giving options to help people reach their charitable goals.
Your gift will give year after year because your donation is invested as a permanent endowment fund and is managed professionally.
Donations or gifts are acceptable at any time in the form of your choice and all donations over $20 are eligible for tax receipts.
Ways to donate:
- Online: Click "Donate Here"
-Mail: PO Box 696
MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0
- E-transfer:
- In Person: McKelvy Agencies Ltd. - 79 Hampton St. E, MacGregor, MB or directly to a board director.
Cheques payable to North Norfolk Foundation.
If you have a particular fund you would like your donation to be directed, please indicate the name of the fund with your donation (memo line etc)
Community foundations are very special non-profit organizations. Since they do not have a specific charitable purpose, they provide local donors the opportunity to engage in philanthropy in a variety of ways. They provide the means for establishing endowment funds. They provide a way to achieve excellent investment yields through pooling of funds. They provide benefits to the many communities they serve.