Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Karen Guth - Chair
Kim Young - Vice Chair
Ryan Turner - Treasurer
Tammy Kruse - Secretary
Pam McKelvey
Ron Sawatzky
Laurie Stewart
Krystal Unrau
Sadie Tait
Jeff Doerksen
Jane Giesbrecht
Vicky Smith
Board Members
We are community foundation that strives to provide financial support to causes and agencies within the North Norfolk Municipality.
With every donation made to the North Norfolk Foundation, funds are pooled and permanently invested. The interest that is earned on these funds is distributed as grants or bursaries and the capital is never spent, ensuring a lasting source of support for the Municipality of North Norfolk.
There are a variety of reasons why to donation to the North Norfolk-MacGregor Foundation
In 1981 the foundation began, called MacGregor & District Centennial Foundation, after the MacGregor Centennial. The foundation wasn't well known but grants were given to the library, playgound, Nor-Mac Centre and Archives.
In 1995, the MacGregor & District Foundation decided to expand after receiving news that the population in the district was too small and weren't eligible for funds from the Thomas Sill Foundation, which was to support rural foundations in growing their endowment account. A new By-Law was made to expand which included the whole municipality of North Norfolk. The foundation changed their name to North Norfolk-MacGregor Foundation, along with the change new directors were elected from the Sidney, Austin, and MacGregor areas. The new foundation gained the assets of $15 200 from the MacGregor & District Centennial Foundation in 1996.
In 1998, the MacGregor Cemetery Fund became the first designated fund of $14 766. That fund now sits at over $48 000. Eight designated funds have been set up. These designated funds give back annually to four local cemeteries, the Manitoba Agricultural Museum, rural school cairn fund and students.
In June 2016, NNF held held the Richardson Pioneer Gala in Austin MB featured gold medalist, Kaitlyn Lawes. Over $25 000 was raised in support of Victoria Place Assisted Living facility. This Gala also met the Thomas Sill Challenge that netted the foundation $50 000 for its Undesignated Fund.
To celebrating 20 years of giving, June 2017saw the foundation officially launch it's new name, North Norfolk Foundation and a new logo, designed by Melissa Day of Austin MB.
The Board of Directors are looking forward to the next 20 years with the planning of donation challenges. The North Norfolk Foundations assists sit at 1.4 million dollars, with annual income given back to projects within the municipality.
With each new donation, the endowment fund continues to grow. The fund is never spent, only the income generated is granted to projects within the Municipality of North Norfolk. All donations are tax receiptable and gratefully accepted at any time, any amount.